Acidic and Alkaline Foods

Acidic and Alkaline Food Consumption for Healthy Living

All food digested in our bodies metabolizes, or burns down into a residue which can be neutral, acidic, or alkaline, depending on the content of the original food.  Scientific research emphasizes the importance of balancing pH levels to maintain good health, proper immune system function and to avoid many diseases. 

The pH is the measurement of the substance’s acidity and alkalinity. The normal pH of the human blood is between 7.35 and 7.45.  A blood pH below 7 is considered acidic whereas a pH above 7 provides an alkaline blood chemistry.

Our body manages the acid load by excreting it through normal channels of elimination, and by buffering the acid with minerals borrowed from our bones.  When the body accumulates excess acid and the elimination system can no longer get rid of it, our body will store the acid waste in our tissues, joints and muscles.  Symptoms of an overly acid pH include joint and muscle pain, osteoporosis, low energy, digestive problems such as indigestion and acid reflux, colds, flu, allergies, hormone imbalances and immune system dysfunction.

In general, animal foods such as meat, eggs, dairy, processed and refined foods, yeast products, fermented foods, grains, artificial sweeteners, some fruits, and sugars are acidifying, as well as alcohol, coffee, chocolate, black tea, and sodas.

Acid forming foods will speed up aging causing a rapid decline in the cardiovascular system.  Oxidative stress is known to be linked to over 200 diseases.  Consuming acidic foods causes free radical cell damage in the body.  Prevention is the key in slowing down the aging process and disease manifestation.  Balancing your pH via diet helps to lower cholesterol and reduce stress along with improving the functioning of the immune system.

Vegetables are alkalizing.  A few non-sweet citrus fruits are also basic or alkalizing to the body, as are sprouted seeds, nuts, and grains.  In general, grains are acidifying, though a few (millet, quinoa, buckwheat, and spelt) are only very mildly so.  Raw foods are more alkalizing, while cooked food is more acidifying.

To maintain a balanced pH in your blood and tissues, your diet should consist of at least 70 to 80 percent basic foods – that is, no more than 20 to 30 percent acidifying foods.  To accomplish this, eat two alkaline foods for each acidic food you eat (see accompanying chart) and you will soon be feeling and looking great as well as be on the road to a healthy old age.

Alkaline Producing Foods –Consume 80%Acidic Producing Foods –Consume 20%
Alfalfa SproutsLima beansBaconMeat
AmaranthMelons, all typesBeansNuts
ApplesMilk, goatBeefNoodles
AsparagusMolassesBlueberriesOlive Oil
AvacadosMushroomsBran, WheatOlives
BananasNectarineBran, OatsOrgan Meats
Beet GreensOnionsBread, WhiteOysters
BeetsOrangesBread, WheatPastries & Cakes
BerriesPapayaButterPeanut Butter
Brussel sproutsPassion fruitCocoaPeas, dried
Brazil nutsPeachesCoffeePepper
CabbagePearsCod FishPoultry
CarobPeasCorn StarchPike
CarrotsPeppers, all typesCorn OilPlums
CauliflowerPineappleCorn SyrupPork
CantaloupePotatoes, sweetCoconutPrunes
CeleryPotatoes, whiteCorned BeefRefined Sugar
Chard leavesPumpkinCrackers, sodaRice, Brown
Cherries, sourQuinoaCranberriesRice, White
Dates, driedRutabagasFishScallops
Ezekiel breadSauerkrautFlour, WhiteShrimp
Figs, driedSoy beans, greenFlour, WheatSpaghetti
GarlicSoy milkHaddockSoft Drinks
GrapesSquashIce creamSquash, winter
Green BeansStrawberriesKetchupSunflower seeds
Green PeasTangerinesLambTea
HerbsTomatoesLentils, driedVeal
LemonsVinegar, Apple ciderLobsterWalnuts
Lettuce, leafyWheat, sproutedMilk, cowWheat, all products
Lima bean, driedWatermelonMacaroniYogurt, sweetened


Natural Cowgirl, 6/25/2013, pH – Get Yours Balanced for Better Health!

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