Category Info Library

The Magic of Kinesio® Tape

More and more people are noticing Olympic, professional, and amateur athletes as well as coworkers in the office with colorful strips of tape all over their bodies. This wonderful and recently recognized material is called Kinesio® Tape. Health care professionals…

Foam Roller Tips and Techniques

Upper Back, Shoulder, and Chest Benefits of using a foam roller is comparable to a deep tissue massage, myofascial release and myofascial trigger point therapy. Myofascial trigger points are taut bands or knots in the muscle tissue that can refer…

Sitting is the New Smoking

Take a Stand for Health By now you may have heard the phrase “sitting is the new smoking.” Beyond being clever, the catchphrase, coined by Mayo Clinic-Arizona State University Obesity Solutions Initiative director Dr. James Levine, underscores a disturbing fact. According…

How to Prepare for Ski Season

Whenever the Green Mountains transform from the beautiful fall foliage to a white blanket of snow, we Vermonters start to count down the days until our favorite ski resorts open. As I start to move my backpacking gear to the…
